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Organizing & Managing Projects [iPad]

To keep your KITS account running smoothly, it’s important to keep your projects organized by creating folders, removing old projects and syncing often to back-up your projects to our cloud.

Organizing your Projects

In the Project Gallery screen in KITS, you can search for projects by using the search bar* or filter the projects by either Most Recent (organized by the date time stamp indicated below the project name) or by Name (Results in KITS are organized alpha-numerically.)

*As a best practice when using KITS, we recommend having an organized naming structure for your projects. For example:

Who the project is from (YOUR NAME)

Who the project is for (CLIENTS NAME)

What the project is (Private Office, Open Office, etc)

Initial date of creation (Even though KITS has a time stamp on projects, it gets updated every time you make a change to the project).

To help with organizing your projects, you can edit the project name in the Project Gallery Screen by tapping on the name.

To create a copy of your project, tap and hold on the project. The project should now be highlighted in blue and you will be in our Edit Mode. Now you can use the two buttons in the navigation bar.

With your project(s) selected, tap on the copy button, and you will now have a copy of your project*.

*The need to copy your project can vary from: you’ve created an environment typical that you would like to use for multiple projects, if your client got back to you regarding the project and wanted to see it in a different layout or with different finishes, etc.

To delete your project that you no longer need, tap and hold on the project. Once the project is highlighted in blue, the trash bin icon will now be accessible in Edit Mode. Please keep in mind that once you delete the project and sync it will be gone not only from the Project Gallery Screen but also our Cloud.

To work with multiple projects, once in Edit Mode tap on the other projects that you would like to select. From there you can either copy or delete the selected projects.

To create a folder, tap and hold a project until it highlights in blue. Drag the project over another one to prompt a folder to be created once you release the project. To continue adding projects to the folder, tap and hold a project then drag it over the folder. You can also select multiple projects to drag into the folder.

Once the folder is created, you can edit the folder name by tapping on Folder. To save the folder name, tap return. You can group projects by clients name, manufacturer, or even workspace type. Get creative and create folders that will fit your workflow. Please keep in mind if you choose to organize by name, the folders will also be organized alpha-numerically.

To remove projects from the folder, simply tap and hold to select the projects that you would like to remove and drag them out of the folder.

Managing your Projects

After 15 days of your created project, KITS will prompt you with a warning to Sync your Projects. This is called the 15-day Sync Prompt. KITS will notify you to sync your projects to the cloud to ensure that they are going to be backed up.

You can either choose to sync your projects or ignore the notification. If you ignore it, the counter will reset, and it will ask you again in 15 days. After 45 days, KITS will lock and you will be required to sync your device to ensure your KITS is correctly updated and backed-up. To confirm projects are synced, navigate to Manage Projects and all synced projects will be assigned a Project Number automatically generated by KITS. Assigned project numbers are non-editable.

If you have projects that haven’t been synced yet, you can tap on Sync Now, to start the syncing process.

All synced projects will get automatically moved to the cloud after 90 days. We call this the 90-day archiving period. This will ensure that the projects wont take up too much space on your device. If you notice that your projects have disappeared from the Project Gallery Screen, you will be able to find them under Manage Projects>Archived.

To find a project that has been archived, you can either use the Year-Month filters or use the search bar. Once you found the project(s) that you would like to bring back onto your device, simply tap to select the checkbox next to the name, then run the sync. Once the sync is complete you should be able to see your projects in your Project Gallery Screen.