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Success Story: Mike M.

Mike M.
Operations Manager
McMillan Business Interiors
Detroit, MI

“Utilizing The KITS collaborator for design and space planning gives both our clients and our team the full picture. KITS not only promotes confidence in our clients when we show exactly what they need, but it also provides us with a guide that contributes to the completion of the project. We apply KITS in every stage of a project, from design to sales, ordering and all the way through completion and installation.

When you have a clear picture of a project, even on a small scale, it gives our clients a view of what and where their furniture will go. This also helps on the installation end. I can give my team a rendering of an office and they know exactly where we want it and how we want it set up. This allows us to always follow through with vision into completion, leaving our clients happy with the results.

The line drawing feature when creating a rendering also helps give a more in-depth view. You dont always need to have full plans and specs made and yet still have the best idea of what a project completed should look like.

The KITS Office Elements gives an added layer to a rendering, giving a more real life view of what a clients office will look like. Utilizing structural element gives a real sense of space and relations to the walls, windows and doors around us. No two offices are alike and being able to drop a column right where it belongs and being able to space plan around that, makes everyones jobs a whole lot easier.”

Renderings created by Mike: