Can I use Mobile Data to Sync?
Yes, KITS does not limit you to a specific type of internet connection. Keep in mind, syncing using Mobile data may be restricted by your mobile and/or corporate network. Usage fees may apply, check with your network provider and/or administrator before syncing with mobile data.
Note: We advise syncing on a stable WiFi connection. Click here for more information on Syncing.
Data Usage Info/Calculators
Click on the links below for more information regarding data usage with your network provider.
Top US Providers
Can I syncing with a tethered connection?
You can tether your mobile data from your mobile phone or personal hotspot device to your iPad/Surface and sync if you have a compatible plan from your network provider. Keep in mind, syncing using mobile data may be restricted by your mobile and/or corporate network. Usage fees may apply, check with your network provider and/or administrator before proceeding.
Click on the links below for more information regarding tethering with your network provider.
Top US Providers
What are the requirements for mobile data syncing?
Mobile data syncing requires a compatible data plan from a mobile provider. For data tethering you will need a plan that allows tethering, check with your mobile provider for tethering included in your data plan. Usage fees may apply, check with your network provider and/or administrator before proceeding.
What type of impact does syncing with mobile data have?
The biggest impact would be extra data charges. If your network has limitations on the amount of data you can download/upload you might also be in a partial sync status.
Note: We advise syncing on a stable WiFi connection. Click here for more information on Syncing.
How much mobile data will KITS need to sync?
There isnt a specific amount of data that KITS uses. The amount of data required will depend on:
- The last time you synced
- The amount of un-synced projects you have (this includes new projects and changes made to existing projects)
- The amount of catalogs you are subscribed to that requires updating
- The number of new catalogs you are subscribing to
How can I find out more information?
For more information check with your network provider to better understand your mobile data limitations and capabilities.