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Sharing AutoCAD DWG + SIF Files [WIN]

Setting your Export SIF Preferences

One of the great features of The KITS Collaborator is the ability to export your project as a DWG + SIF file, allowing you to effectively communicate and collaborate with your design team. Depending on the manufacturer you are working with and the other applications that you use, you will need to provide a specific SIF file format.

Example: Steelcase dealers can only import into Hedberg which is their business system, that takes either a SpecSIF or an 8-bit Legacy SIF File.

All KITS Users have their Export SIF set to the default setting Generic SIF File. However, you can change the SIF file format for individual projects to fit specific requirements.

To set the type of SIF file that is exported from KITS, with your project open click on the Gear Icon to open your Project Settings. Under Import / Export Settings, you can see that there are 4 export options you can select from:

  • Generic SIF File (Default)
  • ProjectMatrix SIF File
  • Legacy SIF File
  • SpecSIF File

Keep in mind, these settings will only affect the individual project you are currently working in. All other projects will follow the default Export SIF settings (Generic SIF File).

To learn how to set your Default File Export Preference (User Profile Level), click here.

How to Export Your Project to AutoCAD (DXF+SIF)

When youre ready to share your project out as an AutoCAD + SIF Files:

  1. Click on the Share Icon
  2. Click Export AutoCAD (DXF + SIF)

  1. You will be prompted to save your project, click Save to continue

  1. Add the recipients email address and add any comments you would like to include. To send the project to multiple people, simply separate the email addresses with commas. Please Note: Recipients do NOT need to have a KITS Account to receive the files. To continue, click Share.

  1. Once your project has been exported successfully, click OK to return to your project. The recipients will receive an email with a .ZIP folder containing the AutoCAD + SIF files.