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Import DWG + SIF Files in KITS [iPad]

There are certain requirements your DWG must meet for a successful import. Keep in mind, only symbols from manufacturers published in KITS will successfully import. Check our Manufacturer Page for a full list of the manufacturers currently available.

AutoCAD File Requirements:

  1. Must be authored using either 2020 Cap, Giza or Project Matrix.
  2. Must contain no more than 1500 furniture items. Non-furniture items (e.g. CAD drawn elements) will not be imported and do not count against this cap.
  3. Has a drawing area no larger than 100ft x 100ft (30.5m x 30.5m)
  4. Does not contain items specified with Structural Options. However, items may import but may not reflect the intended structural options selected. Not all manufacturers have structural options, but those that do if the structural option is specified in the DWG, KITS may not import the exact specification. You can do this after you’ve synced the project to your iPad or Windows 10 Device.
  5. Only items specified in model space will be imported. Although your drawings may contain additional tabs in paper space with content. KITS will only import symbols

Importing DWG & SIF Files [Step-by-Step]:

To import DWG and SIF files, navigate to Project Settings in your scene builder.

In Project Settings, tap on the control button to the right to enable the Import AutoCAD (DWG+SIF) feature. It will then highlight blue to indicate it is active. At the bottom left of the Project Settings menu, you can connect to your cloud storage options. Follow the prompts to connect to your cloud storage.

Once you are connected, you will be able to access DWG files saved in your cloud storage.

Go back to the Scene Builder and tap on the share icon, then tap Import AutoCAD (DWG+SIF)to start the import process.

The Import File screen will open.

Here you can import DWG and SIF files from your computer or your cloud storage.

When you tap the drop down menu next to either the Load DWG file or Load SIF file, you will be able to import from either your iPad files or your newly connected cloud storage (Access to cloud storage is only available for the DWG import feature.)

Once you have selected the DWG or SIF or both for import, tap the Upload File Now button.

If a DWG file is imported without a SIF file, it will populate the project with no specifications if the DWG files do not retain specifications so to import your project fully specified. If a SIF file is imported without a DWG, the furniture items will populate with specifications applied; However, the symbols will lineup in rows outside the floor grid due to the missing furniture 3D information for placement.

DWG only import will populate based on 3D coordinates. If the symbols in the project are 2D, placement of the items will reference 2D coordinates in the DWG but will not include vertical placement or reference height placement due to the missing vertical coordinates for the items (unless vertical placement is set for the symbol by the manufacturer).

SIF only import will import the first symbol at center of the floor grid with all other items in rows outside the floor grid.

DWGs must be authored in recognized platforms like 2020 CAP and Project Matrix. For 2020 CAP DWG files, authored CAP DWG files do not retain specifications so to import your project fully specified, you will need to upload both DWG and its corresponding SIF file. DWG and SIF file are required to be named the same.

For Project Matrix DWG files, only the DWG file is required for import as the specifications are fully retained in the Project Matrix DWG file export.

Projects not authored in CET, 2020 CAP, Giza or Project Matrix will prompt an error.

If your DWG exceeds the maximum project size limit, a window will prompt indicating to only import items from published manufacturer catalogs in KITS.

Please refer to the AutoCAD file requirements above for additional information.

Once you tap continue, KITS will begin importing the DWG/SIF file(s) placing recognized manufacturer furniture symbols in zones. Zones are based on distance of furniture items from each other, so you may have multiple zones in the project. You will see the furniture items recognized by KITS populated in a simple graphic and listed as Zone(s) on the left.

Select which zones you want to import or tap on the radio button at the top for All to be selected. By default, KITS will import both 2D and 3D furniture symbols but you can choose what format to import (3D would be the most common format.) We recommend importing all items as projects with additional 2D symbols such as electrical may be just as important to import as 3D furniture items but can be edited later in the scene builder. Once your zones are selected, tap the Import Zone Selections Now button to continue.

If you encounter an error message, please review the DWG file requirements above.

KITS will populate a list of all the items imported from the zones selected and will show you the information like Model Numbers, Descriptions, Manufacturer, Catalogs, and prices. You can expand item descriptions by selecting the radio button to View Detail Description.

To proceed, choose which items to import by tapping on the radio button to the left of the model number. If you want to import all the items, simply tap on the radio button under All. Once you are done, tap on the Import to Project button to continue.

KITS will begin to import the DWG and populate the furniture items selected in the scene builder.

If you import another DWG file into the same KITS project, a warning will prompt as KITS allows only one DWG file to be imported in a project. If you choose to continue, the project will then be updated with the new DWG import and all previous work will be replaced.